Tuesday, April 18, 2017

4/18/17 D&C update

 Hello friends, I'm awake and decided to update you officially on my blog. According to Kevin doctor didn't have enough room to check my uterus properly in the office and was wrong. It appears I don't have any scar tissue or polyps like he first speculated. He seems to think the pathology report will come back normal and he wants me to continue IVF as planned in May.
 I had convinced myself we wouldn't continue but after hearing the good news from Dr.S I feel a tad bit better about continuing on. Kevin is 100% on board for continuing as well.
 Dr. S did take a sample of a small part of my uterus and sent it in but he isn't concerned just by looking at it.
  Nothing is 100% until pathology comes back but I am in a better place then I was before the surgery. I have my get up and go attitude back!
  Thanks to everyone who private messaged me, sent me texts and went out of their way to let me know they care. The sweet nurse at the surgery center wiped my tears away while waking up from surgery and told me I will be a good mom one day. It made my heart swell with love.

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