Friday, August 1, 2014


 Today starts a all new round!
 Yesterday: I called my doctor but she is on vacation... so, the other doctor (who I have never seen) made the decision that since I am not getting any positive at home pregnancy tests I can start a whole new round of Provera and Clomid.
 So today starts a new round and today is a new day! Trying to keep my head up!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Cycle Day 40 and 19 Days Past Ovulation

Hello Friends,
 Today is Cycle Day 40 and 19 Days Past a positive ovulation test. I have lost hope for this month! I feel defeated, upset and stressed out. I am trying to keep my emotions under wraps and not to let it get me down... but sometimes its hard to always be so positive when news is always so negative. I don't think I ovulated this month. I did get a positive test but I think its because the hormone was high enough to ovulate but then my body didn't do it. That's my guess anyway. I took a pregnancy test yesterday around noon and it was a negative one (again). I am on day 19 and still no period. The doctor wants me to wait until day 21 before taking a blood pregnancy test. Is it possible to still be getting negative pregnancy tests at day 19 and be pregnant? Doubtful. Possible but I am doubtful that is my case this month. I really want to just take the test, get the negative result I am expecting and move on to a new month! Head up Jessica Head up!

Thanks for listening,

Monday, July 28, 2014

18 days past ovulation and my cycle hasn't start yet

I called my doctor today and of course... she is on vacation. The nurse said she would talk to the other doctor in her practice and see what he suggests (I have never seen this doctor before fyi). He suggests that I wait until day 21 and give them a call. I haven't taken a home test since day 14. Could be two things at this point. 1. I didn't actually ovulate 2. I am pregnant 3. My cycle is just late. I am hoping for the second option as you can probably guess. This wait is a killer! Keep your fingers crossed!