This week has been hard. I don't know if I am pregnant or not and the dreaded wait has made me sick with anticipation. My body says I am pregnant but I am not sure if its all in my head. I started to feel cramps about 3 dpo and heard that it could be the hormone change and the start of implantation and I started to feel physically sick yesterday 6 dpo which I also read is possible but not likely. therefore, in my mind I am thinking... I am just hopeful and it's giving me false signs.
Today is 7/17/14 AKA CD 27 and AKA 7 days past ovulation (DPO) and today I have been feeling to signs of my menstrual cycle. I took a test yesterday because I talked myself into it knowing it would come up negative whether or not I was prego. 7dpo is too soon to test. But I did it anyway. And yes, it came back negative. So I don't plan on taking another test until 12dpo (maybe 10dpo). I don't want to be one of those girls who takes pregnancy tests every morning and whose heart gets crushed each time it comes back negative (even if its too soon to test it still hurts to see a negative result).
So, tomorrow is CD 28 which normally with my provera pill I have a normal 28 day cycle. I am not looking forward to waking up tomorrow morning and seeing that dreaded aunt flow! Fingers crossed, I miss this cycle and on 12dpo 7/22/14 a pregnancy test comes back positive!
I will update you tomorrow!
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