Today I start my 3rd IUI meds. This is my final IUI before I move on to IVF. I am ready! They upped my gonal f to 200 (from 150) and switched my trigger to a intra-muscular which will hopefully work the 2nd IUI was a total fail. I didn't ovulate and had to wait twice as long for my period. Much baby dust needed!
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Friday, February 24, 2017
As most of you know at 14 years old my father sent me 2,000 miles away to live with my grandparents (his parents) and all ties between me, him and my siblings were cut. I felt abandoned and lonely. I had a journal where I logged all my feelings towards my father the good, bad and ugly. At 18 I asked my grandma to send it to my dad. She told me she would but I later found out she did not. She always protects my dad even though he cut ties with her a long time before and only contacted her when he needed something. She thought she was protecting me too so I kind of understand why... Anyway, I have no father. He bailed on me and every life event I have gone through. Graduations, marriages and soon new additions to the family (birth or adoption). I don't have many family members physically around me. I have a few that stick by me every way possible and some of my moms family that I talk to via e-mail and Facebook. I do talk to my mom and have a great relationship with her. My relationship with my siblings are always being repaired. We lost many years as kids and each of us have made our own individual lives. We don't keep up with each other as often as we should. I am also blessed to have a great family that I've married into. But I want to point out how lucky I am to have friends...who support me! Some of them I work with and some I have found on Facebook. Friends who reach out to me on the phone and in person to ask how I am doing and give me hugs of support. Family is more then a blood line... Family is a bond and unconditional love. Thanks for being my family. Before my grandparents, Kevin and the friendships I've made as an adult I didn't know what "family" was! Much love to you all!
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Update Dr.Byler-Dann
Everything looked perfect my uterus was of normal size and lining was only at 1mm (at the time of my ultrasound). I am to followup in another 6 months if I am not pregnant by then. No concerns.