Wednesday, September 9, 2015

CD 26 ovulation prediction

Ovusense says today I'm suppose to ovulate. Last time we baby danced was Sunday. I hope we didn't miss the window! UPDATE:*: I NEVER DID OVULATE AND HAD TO TAKE PROVERA TO INDUCE PERIOD ON 10/9/15

Sunday, September 6, 2015

CD 23 & WHOLE30

So, with my birthday Tuesday my daughter and husband insisted we celebrate with food and cake....cuz that's the American thing to do! So I gave in...I didnt want to disappoint my family. Today also marks cycle day 23 & still no positive ovulation message. I will keep going and am meal prepping today for next week.  I deff felt good last week and am a little upset with myself but am looking forward to more clean eating next week and exercise to jump the weight loss a little....