Today my two week wait begins. I go to the hospital as early as possible on 11/29 for a pregnancy test. Hoping we created our miracle! We have about a 20% chance. Kevins sperm count was only 8-10 million and about 4 million with good motility. But the doc says we only need one sperm...just one! Now to stay busy while we wait! Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Monday, November 14, 2016
CD 14
I just got done with my ultrasound and I found out that on my right ovary I have one mature follicle measuring at 21 mm I also have an 8mm but unfortunately anything below a 20 is not mature. tomorrow I take the medication that will induce ovulation and then Wednesday I have my IUI! read down below at the descriptions to help you better understand the terminology it only takes one follie and I hope this is the one!
IUI: Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a fertility treatment that involves placing sperm inside a woman's uterus to facilitate fertilization. The goal of IUI is to increase the number of sperm that reach the fallopian tubes and subsequently increase the chance of fertilization.
Quick glance at my history and what we are doing now
New to the group! I am 28 years old and dx with PCOS. I was also dx with diabetes at 21. I am married and have a beautiful 11 year old step daughter. My husband is 31 and we want more then anything to conceive just one child of our own. At 27 almost a year ago I was dx with pre cancer in my uterus. It was found via D&C to remove uterine polyps. My sample was sent to 3 pathologists who all agreed I was late stage Complex hyperplaisia with atypia aka Pre cancer (due to no periods with PCOS). My wonderful doctor Dr. Baum OBGYN referred me to a oncologist to continue close monitoring. After treatment with my oncologist I had my 3rd D&C and the cancer cells were gone. That was about 6 months ago. I go back every 3 months. At my last appointment my oncologists didn't believe I had any concerns at this time and gave me the OK to start fertility treatments. After getting the OK from my diabetes doc we finally started this month! I am Cycle day 14 and have a follicle scan this afternoon. My husband and I agreed to go straight to injectable medication Gonal F. After 3 tries we will move to IVF. That is if cancer cells stay away! With my pre cancer history my oncologist wants me to get a hysterecomy as soon as we can so I will be beyond blessed to have one child of my own!