Thursday, March 27, 2014


 Thank you for visiting my blog. Firstly, I would like to tell you more about myself.
My name is Jessica and I have had PCOS since I was 14 yrs old. With PCOS comes hair in all the wrong places, self esteem issues, lack of minstrel cycle, and insulin resistance. I have been visiting a OBGYN since the time I was diagnosed and started taking birth control as a young teen to try and regulate my hormones. Unfortunately I was very young, and in denial. At first I was living with my father and step mom. I would lie about having a monthly period to throw the attention off me and to try and defuse the situation. My dad didn't like the idea of me seeing a OBGYN and being on birth control at such a young age. Therefore, I pretended nothing was wrong and went on with my life.
 When I turned 16 I was moved in with my grandparents and would go to the doc off and on. My period was none-existent so I started on birth control again. I took it for awhile and decided to stop because I felt out of place and different. I was going through a lot of normal teenage issues and some brought on by my PCOS. Some of my fellow classmate made fun of me for some faint hair on my face and my weight. I tried to fit into a small town where everyone knew each other and grew up together. I was from the start an outsider and being overweight never helped.
 After high school I moved for college. During that time I lived on my own and went to school full time. I saw a OBGYN there and had a cancer scare. I was to follow up every 3 months to watch and make sure cells in my uterus weren't changing. I was going on years without a cycle other than a few that were brought on by birth control. After the scare I stopped going to the doc and pretended nothing was wrong. I had come to terms with the fact i would never be normal, never be a mother, and might always be alone and depressed. I was diagnosed with diabetes in 2009 and started taking oral meds. But as you could probably guess with my history I took my meds off and on. I didn't change my diet and my diabetes got out of control.
 After college (2010) I moved back to Illinois and started taking classes at another college to transfer to a 4 yr school. I applied for a family services position at the local pre-school and got the job! Soon after that I met Kevin and we got married in 2012. Thats when things changed.
 I have always wanted a family. A husband and children. A career I love and helping people. All of sudden things started working for me. Thats when I started wanting to learn how to take charge of my diabetes and PCOS!
 In 2013 my new OB-GYN (who I love more than anything for listening, trusting, and giving me choice). Found polyps in my uterus. I went under surgery to get them out and found out my chance for cancer is higher then it should be but that she encourages me to have children while I am young before things change and it is no longer a choice. After that, my husband went in to make sure his semen count is up and I went  for a HSG (to see if my tubes are clear).and found out everything is ok.
 As of 3/26/14 my doc has put me on Clomid (for 6 months) and we are officially trying to conceive. If we don't succeed we will be referred to a fertility specialist for a 2nd opinion. I made this blog today 3/27/14 to document the journey and to later show our children how much we  hoped and tried for them!
 Please stay tuned, share you story with me and I hope we succeed so we can be role models for other families struggling with infertility.

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