Sunday, November 1, 2015

Ovulation today reading 11/1/15

CD 24 and ovusense is detecting that ovulation will be today.  Hoping this time it confirms last month it did not! Btw down about 5lbs. And tomorrow is my ultrasound. ... fingers crossed!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Another step towards baby Pickett

Today I bought prenatal vitamins as another step toward ttc. I am excited and hope in a couple months when I see RE my numbers look good and my weight is down enough....

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Fertility specialist called!

I have an appt with Sher Institute on 1/5/16. I could have gotten in earlier but I want my husband there. I am so excited but nervous mostly nervous of being turned away due to cost, or other factors.  My goal start on vitamins/and lose weight much as possible. Will update!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Doc B Appt

Hello, its been a little bit mostly because I was depressed I never ovulated last cycle and unfortunately didnt get a natural period either. On 10/8/15 I saw Dr. B for a pap. We talked about ttc again and she made a referral to Sher Institute in Peoria IL. I am excited but nervous.  Before that though...I am getting another ultrasound of my uterus to see if I have anymore polyps. If so that will need to be cleared up. I will try to keep this updated.  Hoping to lose 25 pds by first Sher Appointment so that isn't another issue they can throw in my face. ..

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

CD 26 ovulation prediction

Ovusense says today I'm suppose to ovulate. Last time we baby danced was Sunday. I hope we didn't miss the window! UPDATE:*: I NEVER DID OVULATE AND HAD TO TAKE PROVERA TO INDUCE PERIOD ON 10/9/15

Sunday, September 6, 2015

CD 23 & WHOLE30

So, with my birthday Tuesday my daughter and husband insisted we celebrate with food and cake....cuz that's the American thing to do! So I gave in...I didnt want to disappoint my family. Today also marks cycle day 23 & still no positive ovulation message. I will keep going and am meal prepping today for next week.  I deff felt good last week and am a little upset with myself but am looking forward to more clean eating next week and exercise to jump the weight loss a little....

Monday, August 31, 2015

Whole30 Day 1

Today is Day 1 of my whole30 journey:
Luckily I have been busy at work to worry to much about what I "can't have".
For breakfast I had a nut mixture with raspberries and black grapes.
For lunch I had a chicken, spinach and avocado salad and an apple
and for snack I had a pear.
Dinner is chicken breast (seasoned) and mixed roasted vegetables.
I know that this evening will be hard to stay focused. I have a few plans for when my mind starts to drift and I go into crazy mad woman mode. I will take a walk, read a book, drink some water, go outside and enjoy the sun... I will eat a snack whole30 approved and be satisfied! I will get through it!!

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Whole30 starts 8/31/15

I'll do anything to have a baby! I have always been aware of my desire to be a mother. And at 14 I felt that chance was ripped away from me. I never really put my all into conceiveing with my husband because I never truly believed it could happen. Now, as I come upon my 27th birthday I've realized I am not getting any younger and I am willing to do what it takes to have a pregnancy a healthy and beautiful pregnancy. .. I've heard amazing results from ladies who have lost weight and started eating healthy and conceived naturally.  So I'm giving it a whole heartly try with Whole30! Its worth a try plus it will at least make me feel better and healthier which is half the battle! I am grateful my husband is always with me for the ride!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Another natural period!

I wait as l long as I can before taking my provera pill and yesterday 8/15/15 I started another natural period! According to my tracker I have an average 45 day cycle. That always changes depending on each cycle. Cant wait to start tracking my temps again!

Monday, July 27, 2015

CD 28 no ovulation prediction

Today is CD28 and my period is suppose to start tomorrow but I dont have a normal cycle so who knows...still no ovulation prediction so I am pretty sure I don't ovulate every month!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Another period on my own! 6/30/15

Yay for natural periods!! My cycle was 41 days (wowszers) but I started my period all on my own this time!! Heck yeah!! Lasted 5 days!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Cycle 50 days long

Today makes CD1. Finally my period started! ♥ that means my last cycle was 50 days long holy smokes! I am excited to get this new cycle started! Pray that this cycle is as painless as possible! 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Blood sugars, healthy eating, weight

This week like some many others isnt going as planned. My eating plan took a wrong turn at one point and the same 'ol Jessica didn't what she always does and decided to give up! I wish I could get things under control for my sake, my family and for a chance to have a child....but no! That slice of pizza always does me in! Grrrrr!! Rant over!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Day 4 of provera

Today is day 4 of taking Provera and I have yet to start my period. I am kind of scared I won't start just because of the odd cycle I just had. I usually start my period after 5 days so fingers crossed it happens soon!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

CD 40 & 20 DPO


So, the other day I called my doctor but I found out she's on vacation for two weeks.  I told the nurse that I've been tracking my temperatures and that they have been high ever since I received my positive ovulation message. My temps were a little up and down but for the past week they have been increasing every day. I suggested to her that I take a blood test to make sure I am not pregnant before starting another dose of my provera. She asked the doctor on duty and he suggested taking my provera as directed by Dr. B. I was devastated that the staff talked to me like I was crazy for thinking I could be pregnant and not giving me the time of day. I felt like they just shrugged me off because they have real pregnant women to deal with (they didn't say that. But that's how I felt).

So I waited two more days and took a pregnancy test this morning. Temp is still on the up but negative pregnancy test.

I took my dose of provera and calling it a cycle! I am bummed but once again trying to keep the hope in the air! Wish us luck this cycle!

Thanks for keeping with me!

<3 K & J

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

11 dpo- update

So, today is 11 dpo and my temp is back up from yesterday (there was a small dip). Tomorrow my hubby and I agreed we would take a pregnancy test. I know that's not recommended until the day after my period is to come but with PCOS and my lack of periods... I am not sure when that would be. So we are assuming 2 weeks after ovulation. We have a test for 12 dpo and another for 14 dpo. My chart looks good lets just hope I get my BFP! It still seems too good to be true so my hopes aren't too high (they are pretty high though!)... I wish want to know already!!!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

8dpo update

A couple of days ago I experienced brown blood in my underwear during a bathroom break. I read that it could be implantation bleeding. This occurred 6dpo. I have been spotting off and on since. Ive been having cramps and a pulling sensation on either side of my pelvis. I am testing tomorrow morning at 9 dpo and I am scared of the results. I feel like I'm pregnant but as the days continue I start doubting. I will update you tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

4/22/15 Positive ovulation message!!

Today, I received my first positive ovulation message on the OvuSense! I am over the moon!!! I forgot which days we Baby Danced (or as my hubby calls it "baby scuffled") but according to K we covered all our basis's before and after ovulation. OvuSense detected ovulation today for Friday the 17th. I am having a hard time waiting to test... two weeks my friend TWO WEEKS!
Today, I am trying to stay hopeful and not get down on myself if it's not our month!

Monday, April 20, 2015


4/20/15 CD 24
Hi! I am sorry I haven't updated in awhile. K and I took a break from TTC and emotionally I am in a much better place!
Whats new?

A lot. We have purchased a machine that helps me identify when and if I am ovulating. It was a little bit of a strain financially but the people at OvuSense were great and gave me a payment plan so I was able to purchase the machine. The website is it's a great product but we have been using it for one entire cycle and it hasn't confirmed ovulation. I am NOT currently taking clomid I am giving myself a 3-6 months to drop some weight and see if I ovulate on my own before going back to Dr. B. I may not want or need Clomid by then but I want to walk into her office with a lower BMI and with some insight on things (my body). Last time I knew she wanted to refer me to a specialist anyway so I want to be prepared!

I have started a challenge within myself to eat as little carbs as possible, eat "clean" (about 70/30) and start taking supplements. I am waiting on them now. I will update on my cycles, and ovulation news... so far not much is happening but I am in a positive mood!! Things may start looking up... that gives me HOPE!